Equine Diagnostic Imaging

Specialised X-Ray, Ultrasound and Edoscopic Services for Horses

Equine Diagnostic Imaging

Specialised X-Ray, Ultrasound and Edoscopic Services for Horses

“Excellent staff who go above and beyond, operated half the night to save my horse, can’t thank them enough for all their assistance.”
Sharon - Google Review

“Fantastic care, treatment and advice. Very happy to have my horse home and well.”
Sarah - Facebook Review

Diagnostic Imaging

Radiography and ultrasound are the most commonly used imaging techniques in horses and our vets have access to a full range of portable digital equipment.

All images obtained from these techniques are stored digitally and are available immediately to our veterinarians.

Radiography (X-Ray)

Radiography is the most commonly used imaging technique used to evaluate lameness by allowing us to visualise bones and joints. Our portable digital radiography unit allows us to assess the lower limb, upper limbs, head, neck and the back. Some areas of the horse eg pelvis and lower back are not able to be adequately imaged with radiography. In these cases other imaging modalities may be used including ultrasound.

Ultrasonography (Ultrasound)

Ultrasound is used for the diagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions including joint, tendon, muscle and ligament injuries and it is effective for monitoring the healing process in these cases. In addition to this we also use ultrasound for evaluation of horses with abdominal pain (colic), respiratory disease and for cardiology examinations. Ultrasound is also routinely used to monitor broodmare reproductive cycles, for equine pregnancy detection (including twinning), and late pregnancy.

We have a high quality hospital based machine which is excellent for scanning more difficult areas such as the chest, heart and abdomen. We also have a portable ultrasound machine which is predominantly used for reproductive examinations.

Equine Endoscopy

Videoendoscopy allows visualisation of the horse’s upper respiratory tract, urinary tract and parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The endoscopes are linked to a screen which allows the vets and the clients to see the images at the same time and for the images to be recorded.

We have a range of different sized endoscopes that we can use to visualise these different regions of the horse in great detail and take biopsy samples for laboratory diagnosis.

Endoscopy of the stomach (gastroscopy) and duodenum (gastroduodenoscopy) is commonly performed in horses that have a history of a poor appetite, recurrent bouts of abdominal pain, behavioral complaints and weight loss.

Endoscopic examination of a horse’s trachea and major bronchi and broncho-alveolar lavage being performed.

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat: Emergencies only
Sun: Emergencies only
Emergencies: 24/7


359 Belgrave-Hallam Road
Narre Warren North
VIC 3804

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“Thank you so much for helping our big mate Woody!! All the staff did an excellent job from referral to op to aftercare. Very friendly and answered all questions – even when they’re exhausted from being fabulous at fixing our equine friends. My family and I are exceptionally thankful for all your help!!! Wish I could give you 10 stars!!!”
Louise - Facebook Review

“I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone at SEEH – especially Gareth and Jess who ultimately saved my pride and joy horse after she cut her hind leg to the bone quite horrifically. 5 months on and two leg casts she’s now recovering and I have the SEEH team to thank for all their help and answering of any questions I’ve had.”
Samantha - Facebook Review

Request a Booking

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Preferred Day of Booking

Preferred Time of Booking

South Eastern Equine Hospital

(03) 8790 4922

Clinic Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat-Sun: Emergencies only

Available 24/7 for Emergencies

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359 Belgrave-Hallam Road
Narre Warren North
VIC 3804