Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding your horse’s hospitalisation and procedures.
Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding your horse’s hospitalisation and procedures.
“Excellent staff who go above and beyond, operated half the night to save my horse, can’t thank them enough for all their assistance.”
“Fantastic care, treatment and advice. Very happy to have my horse home and well.”
Do I need a referral to come to the clinic?
No you don’t need to have a referral to be seen by us. We see any horse whether it has been referred to us by another vet or is coming to us as their primary vet.
Do you only see complex cases? I just need a health check/vaccination
We are happy to assist you with any of your horses health needs, this can be an ongoing, complex issue or a general health check or vaccinations.
Do you do dental examinations?
Yes. Dr Kate Thompson is our dental vet. She has recently returned from the UK where she completed further training. Please see her bio in the ‘About the team’ section.
Can I book an appointment for a vet to come out to my property to look at my horse?
In the past we have not been able to come out to your property to look at your horse. However, we have recently started doing some ambulatory calls only for our current local clients. If you would like us to come and have a look at your horse please contact the hospital on (03) 8790 4922. If we are unable to come out to see your horse, we recommend that you bring your horse into the hospital so that we can provide the best possible care for your horse.
What if I have an emergency during the night/public holiday/weekend?
We are contactable 24/7 every day of the year. If you have an emergency we can see your horse, assess, treat and even perform surgery at any time of the day or night if it is required. We have a team of experienced vets, surgeons and nurses on call at all times.
Do you do surgeries?
Yes. We have two of the best surgeons in Dr Robyn Charman and Dr Gareth Trope. Please see their bios for further information. We also have experienced vets that monitor the anaesthetic during surgery as well as access to Dr Leah Bradbury who is a specialist anaesthetist, who is on hand to help if needed.
My horse is in hospital, can I visit?
Yes of course you can. We find that horses, like any patient, enjoy visits from family. Our visiting times are 10am-5pm, please call us in advance to let us know you are coming.
When I’m at the hospital can I visit other patients that are there?
We would prefer you to stay with your horse. The patients in the hospital can be quite sick and need to be allowed to rest undisturbed. We are often providing treatments or carrying out procedures on patients in the hospital which can easily be unintentionally disturbed. We also take biosecurity seriously, thus reducing the risk of cross contamination. Also, like any medical practice we provide a high level of patient/client confidentiality and cannot provide details of patients and their medical condition.
My horse is booked for surgery/a stay in hospital, what do I need to bring?
If your horse is coming to us for surgery you don’t need to bring anything unless you want them to have rugs or a specific feed. We provide feed as well as head collars and ropes. We prefer that you don’t leave anything of value as we would hate for anything to go missing.
What happens when my horse comes to stay/scheduled for surgery?
When bringing your horse to the clinic please come to reception before you unload your horse. There will be some paperwork to fill out and we are often performing treatments or procedures in the hospital. Bringing your horse in may disturb the horse being treated. You will be asked to fill out and sign a consent form. We are unable to perform surgery without this. You will have the procedure/surgery discussed with you as well as any risks associated with it. You will also be required to pay 50% deposit of your estimated cost. Your horse will be weighed and a name label attached to their mane. Your horse will then be settled into their stable. Please let us know of any special feeds or requirements that your horse has. Please take home any personal belongings. Your horse will usually have its shoes removed prior to surgery. If you are bringing your horse in for a scheduled surgery your horse can have its shoes removed by your own farrier before you bring them in.
What do I need to do when I bring my horse for an appointment?
When you arrive please report to reception before you unload your horse. There will be some paperwork for you to check your details, fill out and sign. We are often performing treatments or procedures in the hospital and bringing your horse in may disturb the horse being treated. Your horse will be weighed and your vet will begin your appointment.
I’m here for my appointment but I haven’t been seen by the vet yet
We apologise if your appointment is delayed. We endeavour to see our clients on time. Unfortunately, you may be asked to wait as we may be dealing with an emergency that has come in or one of our critical patients that we have in hospital. We hope that you can understand that we are doing our utmost to not have you delayed and are potentially saving a life. We are happy to provide tea/coffee and a stable while you wait.
I want to book my horse in for a lameness exam how long does this usually take?
We can’t give you an answer to this as each one is different. We prefer to have your horse’s appointment scheduled in the morning as lameness examinations can take a while to complete. Your horse will have a full lameness work up and may need to be nerve blocked to establish where the lameness is coming from. The horse is then examined again and the process repeats until the vet is satisfied they can work out where the problem is. Your horse may then need to have radiographs taken and/or an ultrasound performed. Your vet will then discuss treatment options with you. We are happy for you to drop your horse off in the morning or even the evening before if you are unable to stay. We will contact you throughout the examination to let you know what is happening and what we feel we need to do.
Do you do credit?
No unfortunately we cannot provide credit for the treatment of your horse. All costs must be paid for in full before you leave with your horse. If you need to get credit you can apply for this through VETPAY. This is not associated with the clinic and you need to be approved before we commence treatment.
Do you only see horses/ponies?
We are happy to see donkeys and any other of our equine friends.

Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat: Emergencies only
Sun: Emergencies only
Emergencies: 24/7

359 Belgrave-Hallam Road
Narre Warren North
VIC 3804
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“Thank you so much for helping our big mate Woody!! All the staff did an excellent job from referral to op to aftercare. Very friendly and answered all questions – even when they’re exhausted from being fabulous at fixing our equine friends. My family and I are exceptionally thankful for all your help!!! Wish I could give you 10 stars!!!”
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone at SEEH – especially Gareth and Jess who ultimately saved my pride and joy horse after she cut her hind leg to the bone quite horrifically. 5 months on and two leg casts she’s now recovering and I have the SEEH team to thank for all their help and answering of any questions I’ve had.”
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South Eastern Equine Hospital
Clinic Hours
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat-Sun: Emergencies only
Available 24/7 for Emergencies
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359 Belgrave-Hallam Road
Narre Warren North
VIC 3804